My wife and I had dinner at a swanky yacht club recently with some parishioners, and there was a gorgeous painting by A.E. Backus in the dining room. Backus is a legend on the Treasure Coast of Florida, and is credited with teaching the original artists of the " Highwayman " school of painters - a group that I refer to as "Florida's version of the Hudson River School ". The beautiful painting - which I didn't get a picture of - made me lament not painting landscapes myself. I started off doing landscape, and used to do it exclusively (in the Bob Ross style), but once I began my formal art education I switched to other subject matter. But there is something infinitely satisfying and appealing about landscape art. The natural world speaks to all people. One of the few such paintings I have done recently is pictured. Landscape is actually much harder for me to do than other subjects - I think because it is already very abstract. It's easier for me to tak...
American paintings in oil, egg tempera, and watercolor