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Showing posts from December, 2008

Traditionalism in Art

One of the major difficulties in being an artist is the problem of being "typecast". Successful contemporary artists, and the artists that are famous in art history, have a particular style (e.g. Monet), or always paint a particular theme (e.g. Morandi). This is problematic for artists who want to flit around and do a little of this, and a little of that; or paint this way one day, and that way the next. You feel like you are not free to change, and just paint what you want. You have to paint what your public wants, or what they expect you to paint. Believe it or not, this is a problem for even us ultra-small time artists.

Broken and Bent

"Broken and Bent" Oil on Canvas, 2006 Life in the city. Conveying flatness and depth at the same time. Overlapping. Integrated. Confusion - but making sense. Mystery in the ordinary. Ordinary mystery.